The BSMO has established specific task forces in domains that are currently rapidly evolving and in which medical oncologists have a key role.
The general purpose of these task forces is to assemble members who want to work together on specific projects of scientific or societal relevance, educational symposia and other items that might be relevant for each task force.
These task forces will work under the umbrella of the BSMO and with the support of the BSMO wherever possible. It is up to each task force to seek collaboration with other professional groups.
If you are interested in joining any of these for active participation, please contact the current coordinator of the task force.
- Breast Cancer, chair: Ahmad Awada,
- Cancer survivorship, chair: Christine Langenaeken,
- E-oncology TF
- Geriatric oncology, chair: Eline Naert,
- Gyneacological cancer TF
- Head & Neck cancer TF
- Melanoma, chair: Jean-Francois Baurain,
- Supportive Care TF, chair: Jean Klastersky – administrative collaborator: Marie-Aline Echterbille –
- BITOX, chair: Sandrine Aspeslagh,
- Young Oncologists Committee, chair: Anouk Goudsmit,
- BMUC (Prostate cancer TF & Renal cell cancer TF), chair: Piet Ost