Task Force BADO
The Belgian Association of Dermato-Oncology was founded in 2012 with the aim of promoting a multidisciplinary approach of dermato-oncology. For more info, visit https://www.belgiandermatology.be or contact bado@ugent.be TF Chair: Prof. Dr. J.-F. Baurain
Task Force BMUC
It is our goal to reunite medical oncologists, urologists, radiation oncologists and other colleagues involved in uro-oncology, as we are all working together to offer best treatment options to our cancer patients. For more info, visit https://bmuc.be or contact info@bmuc.be […]
Task Force Breast Cancer
Quality management is a key requirement to obtain the best care for our patients. To monitor and to improve the quality of patient care the BSMO created a “Task force for systemic treatment of breast cancer”. A close collaboration with […]
Task Force Cancer survivorship
Quality management is a key requirement to obtain the best care for our patients. To monitor and to improve the quality of patient care the BSMO created a “Task force for Cancer Survivorship”. TF Chair: Dr. C. Langenaeken
Task Force E-oncology
Quality management is a key requirement to obtain the best care for our patients. To monitor and to improve the quality of patient care the BSMO created a “Task force for real world data”. TF Chair: Dr. A. Verbiest
Task Force Geriatric Oncology
Quality management is a key requirement to obtain the best care for our patients. To monitor and to improve the quality of patient care the BSMO created a “Task force for Geriatric Oncology”. TF Chair: Dr. E. Naert For more […]
Task Force Gynaecological Cancer
Quality management is a key requirement to obtain the best care for our patients. To monitor and to improve the quality of patient care the BSMO created a “Task force for Gynecological Cancer”. TF Chair: Dr. C. Gennigens
Task Force Head & Neck Cancer
Quality management is a key requirement to obtain the best care for our patients. To monitor and to improve the quality of patient care the BSMO created a “Task force for Head & Neck Cancer”. A close collaboration with VWHHT (Vlaamse Werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren) […]
Task Force Immuno TF / BITOX
The Belgian Multidisciplinary Immunotoxicity Board – BITOX was founded in March 2021 and led by Prof. Sandrine Aspeslagh and Dr. Marthe Verhaert. The goal of BITOX is to share experiences, streamline the management of irAEs and identify clinically relevant research […]