Consider sputum sample and screening for viral, opportunistic or specific bacterial infections (mycoplasma, legionella) depending on the clinical contact
Past or ongoing infectious diseases: HIV, Influenza, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis exposure
Smoking, travel and allergens history (including exposure to home occupational aeroallergens)
Differential Diagnosis
Other causes of pneumonia (including atypical pneumonia, Pneumocystis Jirovicei, Tuberculosis, …)
Carcinomatous lymphangitis
Pulmonary oedema
Pulmonary emboli
Steroid weaning upon symptom control
Grade 2: wean oral steroids over at least 6 weeks, titrate to symptoms
Grade 3/4: wean steroids over at least 8 weeks, check evolution with CT scan
Caution during steroid treatment:
Calcium & vitamin D supplementation as per local guidelines
Pneumocystis prophylaxis to be considered: Cotrimoxazol 480mg 3 times a week
Restart immunotherapy
Should be discussed multidisciplinary among oncologist and pneumologist patient should be included in risk assessment (only 7 out 10 cases of pneumonitis had a relaps of pneumonitis upon ICPI restart
Only indicated once steroids are completely weaned and CT lung is completely cleared