Young Oncologists Committee of the BSMO

YOC Introduction

The idea of creating a BSMO YOC came up in January 2023 during the 25th Annual Meeting of the BSMO. The target audience is oncologists under 40 or in the first 10 years of their career, including residents in training. The first members were selected based on interest in the project and by trying balance gender, geographic origin, university and level of experience.


The YOC aims to support Belgian young oncologists and create targeted projects for them


The YOC wants to improve Medical Oncology education for YO. The committee is working with the Faculty on the content and modalities of PGMO lessons and is rethinking the modalities of the final examination. In addition, a yearly meeting with an adapted program is organized. The YOC plans to improve the communication of important scientific updates and to promote Belgian trials. In the future, when funding is secured, the committee wants to award travel grants to facilitate YOs to participate in international congresses.


The committee is building a platform for residents or young specialists to find internship opportunities in Belgium and abroad (the latter with the help of the ESMO YOC).


The YOC aims to help researchers to increase collaboration between different hospitals or research labs. In the future, the committee hopes to launch a research project grant for YO.


The YOC is contributing to the official @mybsmo twitter account and to the BSMO website. The committee will distribute regular newsletter updates via email.


A good network improves the level of knowledge, the collaborations with other hospitals and in the end benefits our patients. The YOC aims to build bridges between the different universities by organizing social and educational events for YOs with ample networking opportunities, thereby involving oncologists in the BSMO early on in their career.

Our Members


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